Hi everyone! It was 3 years ago today that i made my last post to  my blog! Since then I have been on a long break, trying to juggle school, work, a new boyfriend, a new puppy, and a whole bunch of other things! But I have been reading and I have changed my genre as well and I hope that I can throw myself back in the loop and enjoy reviewing and reading with you all!!


Book Review: Cut by Patricia McCormick

Book Review: Cut

"A tingle arced across my scalp. The floor tipped up at me and my body spiraled away. Then I was on the ceiling looking down, waiting to see what would happen next." Callie cuts herself. Never too deep, never enough to die. But enough to feel the pain. Enough to feel the scream inside. Now she's at Sea Pines, a "residential treatment facility" filled with girls struggling with problems of their own. Callie doesn't want to have anything to do with them. She doesn't want to have anything to do with anyone. She won't even speak. But Callie can only stay silent for so long...

Cut was an great and amazingly quick fresh read to help me end my dry spell!! It really hit home with me in some of the most personal and emotional ways. At first Callie was a difficult character to identify with in the aspect of what was bothering and her and why. Sometimes it seem like it would just be easier to be silent and care and love the people around you for the small minute things they do, that no one else notices. While at Sea Pines Mental Facility or "Sick Minds Mental Facility" as the residents call it, Callie learns how to try to cope with her life and the people in it and how it takes more than just her, how it takes courage to ask for help, to get better. Cut was deep, and moving, and very very inspirational.

Book Review: Winter's Sparrow by Estevan Vega


Good Reads Synopsis:
“I’ll grow wings all by myself.”

Mary is a young artist about to enter a new chapter in her life. After years of waiting and searching, she has finally found true love. She’s also just discovered that her fiancé Joshua has inherited his father’s rundown countryside mansion. To add to the rising pressure, her wedding day is so close she can practically hear the music. All she has to do is accept what the future holds. Accept…and be happy.

But something’s missing.

As the seasons change, her doubts turn to fears, and her fears become reality. Through struggle and loss, the love she once possessed for Joshua transforms into contempt. When Mary is confronted with a magical escape, the life she has and the life she dreams of will collide, awakening a mysterious change within. But no choice comes without cost, and each one will draw her closer to the truth.

At times both beautiful and haunting, Winter Sparrow dares you to step into a world where eternity is a moment and every breath is a second chance. The fantasy begins….

My Thoughts:
Winter's Sparrow was a great and passionate read. It taps into the feeling a lot of people have but rather not acknowledge. To me I see this book tapping into the inner feeling confidence. More particularly the confidence of oneself in a relationship. Our main characters Mary and Joshua are engaged. Joshua is ready to love and devote himself to Mary but Mary is not. She is indecisive and unhappy a lot. She isn't exactly what I would call marriage material but that's why you gotta love Josh! The more I read the more I got pulled in! This story was something I have never read before. I loved the fantasy! I loved the description and all the detail Estevan Vega puts into his books! It keeps the books interesting and me wanting MORE!! This read was one I did not regret reading. It was passionate and moving. As we all know I'm no robot so we know I was tearing up and kept every page turning!

I give this book 5 out of 5 stars!! It was very much worth the read and kept my heart warm and trembling waiting to know the fate of these lovers.

Feature and Follow #8

Feature and Follow

Q: What book do you think would make a great Halloween movie?
A: I think Bad Girls Don't Die by Katie Alender would make a great movie! All about ghost and supernatural spirits entering bodies and creepy big eyed dolls! We mustn't forget the creepy big eyed dolls!!!

What do you think!?

Book Review: The Lure of Shapinsay

Hey my lovelies as you know I have been absent because of school lately, but I have been trying so hard to get back to my blog. Well today I have no homework and I decided to do a book review on one of the few books I have gotten a chance to read! So Let's go!

Good Reads Synopsis

Ever since Kait Swanney could remember, the old crones of the village have been warning her to stay away from the selkies. They claim that like sirens of old, the seal men creep from the inky waters, shed their skins, and entice women to their deaths beneath the North Sea. But avoiding an encounter becomes impossible when Kait is spotted at the water’s edge, moments after the murder of a half-selkie infant.

Unexpectedly, Kait is awoken by a beautiful, selkie man seeking revenge. After she declares her innocence, the intruder darts into the night, but not before inadvertently bewitching her with an overpowering lure.

Kait obsesses over a reunion deep beneath the bay and risks her own life to be reunited with her selkie. But when she lands the dangerous lover, the chaos that follows leaves Kait little time to wonder—is it love setting her on fire or has she simply been lured?

My Review: I really enjoyed this book! The mythology and twist on the mythology was really something refreshing to my reader's eyes. I have never read anything other than Greek mythology so reading this was really new. The main characters, Kait and Eamon, were really well put together and were very like-able characters. The alternating POVs in this book were really well written and enjoyable! I loved being able to look inside both Kait and Eamon's minds! Eamon was at times a very irritating character but you couldn't help but to love him yet want to change him a little bit also. This book was one I really enjoyed and was not that hard for me to get through at all. Krista Holle did a great job at writing this lovely tale of love and loss.