Armchair BEA: Day 3: "Real Life" Experience!
This is my real life experience with meeting my favorite author!
I met Heather Brewer, author of The Chronicles of Vladimir Tod and The Slayer Chronicles and also Soulbound! I went and met, saw, and had the pleasure of asking questions with others. She came to Davis Kidd Bookstore in Memphis, TN. Meeting Heather Brewer was always one of my things on my bucket list! And I got to do it! She signed my copy of Twelfth Grade Kills and also my minion bag.
She is a GREAT author and a even GREATER person! If you have the chance to meet her please do! Because you will not regret it!
I have never been to a book signing that was not fully controlled by bookstore staff. This precludes the opportunity for an interview. You have been lucky that this type of event works for you.